Contact Info
- Williams Lake, BC V2G 1W5
- + 250 305 4838
- Office Hrs: Today 9.00am to 6.00pm
The Family Law Act states that when determining the best interests of a child the parties and the court must consider the child’s views unless it would be inappropriate to consider them. One way to obtain a child or youth’s views is to obtain a Hear the Child Report (‘HTC Report’).
An HTC Report is a non-evaluative, verbatim report on the views of the child on issues related to family transition or family breakdown for the purpose of having the views of the child or youth considered when decisions are made about their best interest. The child has control over what is included in the report and nothing is put in the report without the child’s permission. An HTC Report does not contain any recommendations or evaluations, nor does it state the opinions or assessment of the Interviewer.
The report can be done by ‘Agreement’ between the guardians and the interviewer, by a consent order or by a judicial court order. When the HTC Report is by ‘Agreement’ I require all guardians to sign the ‘Agreement for a Hear the Child Interview’ and return it to me.
Prior to the interview, I like to speak with each parent’s legal counsel (if involved) to get the background on why a report is being requested and to get some very basic background on the issues in dispute. I may ask for copies of any relevant court orders or documents before the court.
I also have a brief phone call with each parent prior to the interview. The interview with each parent is to identify the issues or questions each parent wishes canvassed with the child. While I may ask both parents to provide me with some general background I do not go into any great detail with either parent on the issues before the court or issues being addressed in mediation.
I have two interviews with the child; the first is about an hour; the second one may be shorter. Neither parent will be in the room with the child during the interview. I work with parents and/or legal counsel to determine the dates and times for the interviews and to establish a date by which the report is due.
Transportation of the child to and from the interviews is to be shared between the parents, wherever possible. Legal counsel, if involved, or a mutually agreed-to third party, may be asked to participate in making the transportation arrangements.
As Interviewer, I will be paid in advance of release of the report the sum of $120 (plus applicable taxes) for all work performed including meeting with your child(ren), reporting on their views and distributing the Hear the Child Report. If incurred, travel expenses are extra.
If a party or the parties require that I attend court, the party(ies) will make separate, advance fee arrangements with my office.
More information is available at our website: Please do not hesitate to contact me with further questions.
YouTube video available:
Thank you. I appreciate your support in making the HTC interview process a positive one for your child.